Your Pathway to a Lifestyle of Wellness, Improved Health, and a Better Quality of Life.
Welcome to the Wellness Lifestyle Programme
The Wellness Lifestyle Programme is an incredible 10 week programme that is aimed to have you empowered, educated and enabled to change your health and fitness habits and live a 'Wellness Lifestyle'.
A Wellness Lifestyle is:
'the quality or state of being in healthy body and mind as an actively sort goal; and as a result of deliberate effort, it is the typical way of life.'
The Wellness Lifestyle Programme is delivered and facilitated by a Wellness Lifestyle Coach in partnership with Health Professionals and Personal Trainers. Your hand will be held throughout this programme, as we know you want to be healthier and feel better, and it is not easy for you to make these changes on your own.
We aim to take you to a point of improved health which will change the quality of your life and reduce the stressors on your body and mind.
You will alter the paradigm you see your health and fitness from, such that you naturally find yourself taking positive and powerful actions to improve your health.
The Wellness Lifestyle Programme consists of an introduction seminar/workshop; a weekly Wellness Lifestyle Coaching session; a physical training and exercise session; a plan and pathway to support you; and an on-going monthly workshop on completion of the programme. You will be amazed at your improved health and how great you feel! Your quality of life will be transformed.